Mostly in countries where escort trade is legal and there is good earning opportunies for sex workers, there is huge competition among escorts as well. The way in which competition is managed and competitors are overmatched determines primarily the relationship between escorts. Escort competition takes place in the sex market’s segment where there are the most escorts. Consequently, escort shemales, ladyboy escorts, TS and TV escorts have more market opportunities than escort girls.
Escort girls
have different ways to compete with each other. There is, first of all, the
professional method, which is the high quality of sex work. This means trying
to dominate the sex market through carrying out quality sex work and sharing real
information (on escort site) with prospective clients: real pictures, real
details. Well, these escorts will be the most desirable ones, that is, they
will earn the most money during their term.
Then it is
understandable that girls who can not surpass strong competitors because of the
high quality level that they cannot reach will have a financial disadvantage, that
is, they won’t make much money during their term. This is an obvious reason for
escorts not to like each other. Besides, there are those escort girls who are
unable to compete with proficient colleauges so they will try to give them a
hard time. There are plenty of known methods for this, one of which is spreading
lies and damaging reputation.
Escorts not only
distribute lies and false news directly to clients about their sex business competitors,
but also leave malevolent reviews on other escorts’ profile that do not reflect
reality (or in the public forums in the profession). Popular lies, for example,
that the given escort girl has some kind of venereal disease, is rude to sex
client, has hygienic problems, looks down on clients, etc.
It is quite uncommon
to see a close friendship between two escort girls. The reason just mentioned
is only one of them in the escort trade. The other possible explanation for the
bad or neutral relationship is that most escorts want to be independent from
other escort girls without any contact.
Those escorts
who reside in a ‘house to share the profit’ usually fit together well, until
the work is proportionately shared. If, however, there is a more popular escort
than the others as well, working in the house or flat, that is, most customers
want to buy her time, she will usually be the black sheep, as she will decrease
the other escorts’ opportunity to make money.