Escorts today
What may be more
difficult than precisely presenting how the world of escorts works is making
the difference between prostitutes and escorts understood, as there is an
essential as well as conceptual distinction between today’s escorts and
prostitutes. Furthermore, it is disputed that due to the characteristics of
escorts and the escort industry the profession itself belongs at all to
According to
what the word means, prostitution takes place when a woman prostitutes her body
for sexual purposes to a second or even a third party. Until now, it is clear
since there is nothing difficult to understand here. There is a pack of sexual
service (vaginal, oral, anal, blowjob, handjob) for which a sex client pays a
prostitute, who can be a female, male, domina, transvestite or shemale prostitute working on the
streets like a hustling whore, or even at luxurious German or Dutch brothels and window.
In short, it does not matter if the prostitute is a luxury sex worker or street
walker or a student girl who sells sex services to get pocket money for a
luxurious holiday. The essence of this does not change, all of the above
mentioned sex workers are prostitutes.
The situation
with escorts is quite different. In my opinion, we cannot declare that escorts
are prostitutes because an escort girl or boy or ladyboy or transsexual escort basically
does not sell sexual service. Yes, only sex cannot be bought from an escort.
This I think is a very strong reason to think over whether escorts can be
called prostitutes at all.
The question is
logical to pose then, that is, what can be bought from an escort girl? Time or
different time period can be bought from an escort. An escort sells various
length of time with set price to spend with her, which does not mean that the
girl has any obligation to go to bed with the client. For this reason, escort girls
should not be compared to call girls already discussed. Unfortunately, most web
sites fall into this conceptual error. As described earlier, a call-girl gives
a date to a sex customer during which the customer buys sex service at an
agreed place for money. The name ‘escort’ is already talkative, and it is
enough to take its meaning to feel the difference between the two kinds of jobs
immediately, isn’t it? An escort’s responsibility is to make the buyer a good
and attractive company within an agreed time frame, that is, the escort
accompanies the client to a predetermined location.
Nowadays, if we
want to describe the duties or responsibilities of an escort, it’ll look like
this: after purchasing escort time, there is a meeting place that will be the
designated location for the so-called escort meeting. That is where the escort
and the client meet. During the escort meeting the escort and the client have
the opportunity to get acquainted or to get to know each other. Then, if mutual
sympathy is formed between the escort and client, then after the first kiss
(called French kiss) the relationship can move to the next level. Actually, the
kiss indicates that the attraction is established for both sides. Then it
becomes obvious that the escort is voluntarily offers her favourite sexual
services to the client (COB, GFE, CIM, Deep throat, Fetish, Massage, COL, COF,
OWO, Strap-on, Breast sex, Domina, Penis massage, analsex, Uniforms etc). The terms will
be discussed later.