Amazing woman.
At first sight I noticed that she is drop dead gorgeous. The kind of look that you only see in Fashion magazines, impossible to meet IRL.... except this time.
The discrete smell of her perfume and the magic scent of her skin - stunned me.
She noticed my blushing and smiled. In her sweet voice she explained:
"I am going to seduce you" "and make you experience something that you never can forget"
And she really fulfilled her promise.
She is impossible to describe, and I have even a hard time believing what happened.
I sent her a text message when going home and she replied: "This was just the beginning of what I am going to give you".
Guess if I have to go back :-)
Besides the amazing seduction another thing is obvious: she is intelligent, funny and has a great intellectual capacity.
She is also very soft and tender and loves to cuddle.
No doubt she is going to succeed in her thrilling plan for her future, and I am happy to give her a little help
Thank you for nice words and thank you for a great meeting - one of the best. You are the gentelmen that all girls wish to meet - well mannered , classy and very gentle. I really hope that we meet again.
Big kiss to my Don Juan
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