As I began to approach N street, suddenly the sky began to roar and the wind slapped in my insurance face. I quickened my steps to seek shelter somewhere from this natural misery, but all my efforts were in vain. The sky gaped and spewed the cold water on me. I was completely wet when I met Inna. She welcomed me with a wide smile on her face and then she took off my clothes and hung them to dry. Her thin and wide lips were the best thing my Dildo has ever touched and those lips gave me a BJ that only a few girls have the ability to give. Then my tongue couldn't resist the temptation to taste her red and swollen F that tasted like melon and goat's milk. Throughout the meeting she had a magical smile on her face and it ended with my milk on her well-shaped back. As I left the place out on the street, I beat my chest and screamed
Yes, I am a sinner tonight, but a happy sinner.
Tanks Inna for this time..
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