Eline's reverse review about borninlosangeles (3/5)

Thank you for rating my service. The face is hidden for security reasons. The same is done by all the escorts who are worried about their future and present, and whose social activities are not limited on escort-business. Being with an open face is very careless and naive. I must also note that none of my guests left me when they saw me at the doorstep; none of my guests covers my face with a pillow or turns me into a doggy-style because of my face :)))Based on this, I dare to believe that everything is in shape with my face, it's attractive and pretty. Your deviation in that review due to a closed face seems doubly strange to me, because we met before, and you saw my face already.
You probaly need to learn how to express your thoughts more accurately, because many players understood your note about my covered face as a signal that my face is far from perfect.
So, the last time, because of your weak hearing, you wrote about that i don't speak English.This time you questioned the beauty of my face.
Based on the fact that the consequences of meeting with you bring a lot misuderstanding, i prefer not to meet with you in the future.
Thank you and goodbye!:)

Review ID167056
Level of Performance
Easy to Book

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