Result of police investigation. P Roberto

Matsimus (@lillian) · 8 replies ·
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Yesterday came the news that the investigation regarding possible careless rape accusation, was dismissed. This is because the police hasnt been able to track down the woman whom Paolo roberto met in order to ask her if she has a pimp and was trafficked or not.

Apparenrly if a client unknowingly has sex with a trafficked eskort or someone who has a pimp, then he can be accused of careless rape... since the girl mabye didnt do her work willingly or was forced to work by someone else... anyways, she hasnt been able to be reached to either verify this or not, so the police investigation has been closed.

Pretty stupid. I recall Simon Häggström himself interviewed her and also got her a ticket to fly "home", but never bothered to write down her personal details and contact information? LOL his whole media spectacle was one big scam and a stunt for publicity. That bald fuck doesnt even do what he claims.

Lastly P. Roberty was found guilty of purchasing sex and sentenced to pay a fine of 15.500 SEK. Apparently that amount is standard nowadays.

So yeah... clients be careful. And girls, realise that you have a tremendous power in helping your loyal gentlemen customers IF they get caught when leaving your place, because what you tell the police is very important. If both you and your client deny it all, you can save him from 15.500 SEK in fines and also a permanent public criminal register.
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