The emerging escort prostitution has had a significant impact on the sex market as well. In order to be more profitable, escorts diversified their services in different sexual and non-sexual categories. On the one hand, it is logical that with the termination of outdoor or street prostitution sexual services could take more time in a safer and more comfortable environment, resulting in the tendency that the client buys the escort’s time and spend it enjoying various available sexual services. On the other hand, while street prostitution had/has a very limited range of sexual services, the emerging escort prostitution has taken the sex business between private walls, creating the opportunity of broadening the range of sexual services for the simple reason that there is no need to worry about the disturbance of potential passers-by and lurking police officers. The same applies to prostitution operating at brothels because in most Western countries this type of sexual service marketing has been banned, but if it does work illegally, sex workers are exposed to police raids that may arise at any time, which makes it difficult for the adult entertainers to perform a quality service.
Thus, sexual services having become a private business has brought a relatively relaxed environment where the sex business can function smoothly, and there is more time and energy left to the quality of performing sex services along with the categories of new sexual practices that result from the development of human sexuality.
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